US Bank Accounts
Business and Personal Bank Accounts for
International Business and
Wealth Management
The Clever Alternative to
(Island) Offshore and EU-Banking…
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We have the Solution!
Business and Personal Bank Accounts in the US
US$ 250,000 deposit insured per Account | Debit Cards and Credit Cards | Check Books | Online-Banking |First-Class Mobile Banking App |Mobile Check Scanning and much more
Instead of Offshore Island Banking
Business & Personal Accounts
E-Commerce Solutions
Multi-Currency Account
Merchant Account Accept Credit & Debit Cards
Int'l Recognition & Reflection of Your Good Status
Why is a US-Bank Account the Prudent Alternative?
What are the advantages of a Business and Personal Account in the USA?
A US Bank Account is the Safe Alternative to..
..less financially secure offshore banking with its unfortunate bad reputation, and the increasing difficulty to open offshore accounts.
International bank accounts are often advertised as the ideal solution for global businesses. However, international pressure on offshore banks has done its part. Account applications can take months to process, and account opening is usually rejected.
Details & Advice
Ask our friendly experts and find out how to open a US Business Account
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US Banking
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The Consequence
Without the big US players - international correspondent banks - offshore banks can no longer receive and transfer funds! Those who still have accounts with smaller offshore banks have probably had to experience what that means. Sometimes you wait many days for a transfer, incoming or outgoing, or it just doesn't happen. Debit cards don't work for days or are moved from one provider to another. Many smaller offshore banks have gone bankrupt in the past and most account holders have lost their deposits due to the lack of deposit insurance.
Are you looking for a solution? Read more…
The Alternative
International US banking for you and your company
  • US Business & Personal Accounts
  • Deposit insured US$ 250,000 per Account
  • Debit Cards | Online & Mobile Banking
  • Checkbook | Mobile Check Scanning
  • E-Commerce Solutions
  • Multi-Currency Account
  • US Merchant A/C to accept Credit Cards
US Banking instead of Offshore Banking
for Business & Wealth Management
Many entrepreneurs start new companies to expand their business internationally. Setting up a company is usually a quick process, but the best business is impossible without a bank account. Unfortunately, most international bank accounts are either impossible to open (unless you’re based in the same country), have various substance requirements, or require deposits of $1 million or more. Even then, opening an account takes many weeks and can often be rejected.

Wealth or Asset Protection is becoming more and more critical every day. The proper firewall around your wealth and liquid assets is something that provides you with an instant Plan B!

It’s Time to Rethink existing Strategies!

Reserve a strategy briefing with our friendly team of experts

  • Learn more about the advantages of US banking!
  • Let our professionals advise you individually!
  • Develop a Plan B for you and your loved ones!
  • Our Global Banking Team will help you implement additional, New & Better Banking Solutions.

Advice Every Step of the Way!

Plan B for Your Business & Wealth
We're offering a US Banking Eligibility Check-Up to help you find out if US Banking is right for you.

Plan B Options for your Business and Asset Protection
Schedule a Call

Quality of Service
We have come a long way
Privacy Management Group has been one of the leading service providers in Relocation and Global Banking for over 15 years. We have all the necessary certifications and are regularly audited and certified by (ISO 9001:2015).
Facts you should know
Bank Accounts - Offshore

Many entrepreneurs start new companies to expand their business internationally. Company formation is usually quick, but without a bank account, the best business is impossible.

After thorough research and advice, you will find that most international bank accounts are either impossible to open, have various substance requirements, or require deposits of $1 million or more. Even then, opening an account takes many weeks and can be rejected. However, those who have managed by the skin of their teeth to open an offshore account after months of uncertainty have then gone from one extreme to the other. Account holders have realized that an account in an offshore jurisdiction, on a beautiful island or even certain parts of Europe will be caught in the crossfire of international financial authorities and may not be accepted in Europe or the US. This is always associated with a negative image.

In addition, these banks offer no security for deposits or daily account balances. Deposit insurance doesn't exist!

Is There a Solution?
Yes, there is!

Prestigious US banks are among the most respected banking institutions in the world and enjoy a very high reputation.

A US bank account is the flagship for your global business. It allows you to make international wire transfers and payments within the US (ACH, US wire transfers with a US routing number, etc.) You will get a Visa/Mastercard debit card as an account standard - no need to ask, checkbook, onlinebanking, and a top-notch mobile banking app.

Your deposits and account balances are protected up to $250,000 per account - if you hold two accounts, a checking, and a savings account, you enjoy $500,000 in deposit insurance. Joint accounts are insured for twice that amount.

How do I Open a Business Account in the US?
We provide two options:
1. Regular Service - In Person as described below
2. VIP Service - Remotely, with NO Third Party opening on your behalf

Due to strict US banking regulations, it is usually very difficult for a non-resident to open a US bank account. However, there is a way to succeed and get your international business off the ground or take care of your liquid assets that you would prefer to have outside of Europe for Asset Protection purposes.

The actual process of opening a US bank account is a straightforward affair.

You can do it yourself, which involves some wheels within wheels that are difficult for a beginner or a person without an SSN, Non-Resident etc., or you can use our services.

As with many good things in life, a little know-how and the right contacts will help.

Unlike others we've heard of, we do everything completely transparently and seriously. We don't take shortcuts at any step of the opening process. Everything is done correctly and by the book, so you don't have to worry about your account being closed at a later stage. This is also one of the reasons why we don't bring in nominee managers to open an account on your behalf. Too many things can go wrong and in our practice that is a no-no.

If you are interested in opening a US bank account for your business, click here to schedule a call.

Schedule a Call

1. Regular Service

We can help you open an account with some of the largest banks in the US.

We make the process simple and straightforward. Our office is in Florida on the premises of one of the largest banks in America. Once you arrive in the US, we will introduce you to the bank and help you open an account. It is a very convenient and easy-going process.

  • A US Entity (please speak to us to make the right choice)
  • A Real Office – Virtual offices are no longer accepted for account opening (ask us)
  • A Lease Agreement (ask us)
  • A Utility Bill (ask us)
  • An EIN Number which is a US Identification Number for your entity (ask us)

When all requirements are met, we recommend you travel to the US to open the account in person. Our team will accompany you every step of the way.

Why don’t we offer remote bank account opening involving a Nominee Manager of your Entity? A nominee manager of your LLC who opens a bank account for you has access to the entire balance of your account and is given carte blanche. Even if you are granted access, there is always a risk involved.

Once you have visited the bank with one of our consultants, you will find that you have made the right decision. Your new account manager will welcome you and be there to assist you in the future. There is no better way!

Courtesy in the USA and the Way you are Treated

The fact is that one is received and treated extremely friendly in the USA. We and our clients were pleasantly surprised by the professional and friendly manner we experienced from the banks we recommend. Service, as we all know, was invented in the US and the rest of the world is way behind.

Receive all Details of Your New Account Instantly

  • PIN and Password to your Online Banking
  • Checkbook
  • Download the Mobile Banking App
  • Debit card/s will arrive within 5-7 days at your business address and be forwarded to any address worldwide should you already have left the US
2. VIP Service

We arrange with the bank to open your account remotely. A little know-how and the right contacts help immensely. This may take a little more time and some things will need to be sent to you and require your signature. However, your account will be opened remotely without you having to travel to the US and visit the bank in person.

What can I do with my new US Entity and US Bank Account?
1. Business
  • Use it for daily business operations
  • Apply for a US Merchant Account to accept Credit Cards
  • Apply for E-Commerce Solutions
  • Get a Mobile Terminal to charge Credit Cards – offered by your Merchant Account Provider
  • Apply fora US based Multi-CurrencyAccount

2. Management of Own Funds
  • Manage your own funds only
  • Invest your funds or parts of it
  • Open a brokerage account
  • Access your money by debit card 24/7/365
  • Give your spouse, children, and family members access to your funds by having a debit card issued to them by the bank
What can I use my US Business Account & Debit Card for?

You can use your business account for daily business operations, receiving and sending money.

You can use your business debit card for all business or non-business-related transactions, such as buying airline tickets, online bookings, paying business fees, invoices and bills, business meals and more.

I received a US check, but I'm not in the US right now. No problem, just scan the check with the Banking Mobile app and the amount is available in your account, usually instantly.

Use your card to sign up for E-Commerce Solutions.

Use your card whenever a US issued credit or debit card is necessary, sometimes a must.

Use your bank account information instead of a debit card for certain online transactions in the US.

Pay via an electronic check or e-check.

Arrange direct debits/auto pay, a free service to pay your US bills e.g., cell phone bills.

Use your debit card for car rentals, at US gas stations in & outside the US, buy train tickets, check into hotels, pay your business dinner at restaurants, shop in supermarkets and more.

Do I need to pay US Taxes?

Only a US qualified CPA can legally answer this. However, whether or not you have a bank account in the US does not change the following:

If you receive payments from clients or customers, you would not be subject to US tax if your business activities did not take place in the US. If you generate business outside the US - the answer is No. We will arrange to file a tax return on your behalf each year.

Why is US Banking a smart Alternative for International Entrepreneurs?

The U.S. has long been a strong economy and the banks are safe. The rest of the banking world has become hypersensitive, there has been a loss of appetite to open bank accounts for international entrepreneurs due to geopolitical pressures. Regulations are excessive and make it almost impossible to open simple bank accounts for smaller businesses. The USA has different regulations. The US Patriot Act requires full identification, a passport, a second form of identification such as an ID card or driver's license, and a verifiable address for the owner(s) of the business.

Opening a business account is relatively relaxed compared to the rest of the world. Company documents, an office address, office lease, a US cell phone is recommended, a utility bill, a quick visit to the bank, a small opening deposit of $100 and you're all set!

Why is US Banking attractive for Foreign Companies and US Non-Residents?

It may seem double-edged, but the US is not a low-tax country, and US passport holders who do not live in the US must pay US taxes if their worldwide income exceeds a certain threshold.

However, those who stay in the US for less than six months, do not have a US passport, green card, or work visa, and use a US LLC can expect to pay little or no US taxes if they do not conduct business in the US. Have your US CPA file an annual tax return and play it safe – We’ll arrange this for you.

What are the Main Reasons to Choose US banking?

The worldwide prestige and recognition of US banks. Imagine sending an invoice to one of your customers in Europe, quoting the bank details of your business account in a remote offshore jurisdiction.

An invoice from a US company indicating a reputable large US business bank account is not only more trustworthy, but also globally recognized.

Interested in a Plan B that works?

Personal Banking | Personal US Credit History

Consulting Service - Timeframe 8 - 15 months

This is an ongoing consulting service that will guide you until the following options are successfully implemented:

Our international team will advise you on how to legally establish a credit history in the US without a Social Security Number (SSN). You will be eligible to open personal bank accounts at major banks in the US and obtain US-issued credit card, store cards and others. Do you like that apartment or villa in Florida, California, or wherever you're drawn? You qualify for mortgages and loans if you plan to buy property in America. Ideal for long-term thinkers and strategists with a global horizon.

The magic formula is called Credit Score.

All you need to legally take advantage of financial opportunities in the US is a good to excellent credit score. Yes, there are still immense opportunities. The US is and always will be the land of opportunity.

It's a win-win situation for everyone involved. You hold and manage your own funds in US banks. In return, you get access to the financial system. This formula, set up correctly from a tax and legal standpoint, gives you, your family, and your loved ones the best of both worlds.

Look at negative comments about the USA objectively. Those who do everything they can to badmouth the system in the US are often those who have personally failed, know everything better anyway, criticize everything and blame others for not getting ahead and becoming successful.

The secret of success, as so often in life, is the right fine-tuning.

Ok, and Why would I want to do This?
Quite simply, it's Good to have a Plan B in Life.

Click to schedule a call with one of our specialists.

We have the Solution!

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