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Privacy Management GroupINC

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We constantly strive to respect the copyrights associated with the graphics and texts which we use in our publications, or to use only our own graphics and texts, or those free of licence.  All trademarks used on this website are subject to the legal parameters of copyright and the rights of the legal owner. The copyright for published material which has been created by PMG, rests solely with PMG. The use of such graphics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted, unless specific consent has been given.  Privacy Management GroupINC, Al Hamra Industrial Zone, United Arab Emirates, is responsible for the material included on this website.

Terms of Use:
The sole purpose of the content supplied by Privacy Management GroupINC (hereinafter referred to PMG) on this website is to inform the user. PMG, the author, takes great care in the assembly of its websites. Nonetheless, PMG makes no representation and gives no warranty that the information provided is complete, correct, up-to-date or available. The content of the website should not be taken as advice to any specific individual, nor should it be received as an invitation / challenge / offer to any specific action, inaction or transaction. The content of this website serves only to inform the reader and is not a substitute for legal, or financial, advice. PMG explicitly points out that earnings generated abroad may be liable to taxation in your home country. We do not supply legal and tax advice in this regard. You are solely responsible for the fulfilment of your tax obligations. Please inform yourself of any existing tax responsibilities in your country of residence with the aid of a trusted tax advisor or lawyer. Beyond this, our Terms of Use and „General Terms & Conditions“., which you have agreed to by using this website, are applicable.

Legal Conditions and Conditions of Use